enviada a 17 de Fevereiro de 2008, pela ACEL-Trebopala ao Governo
The Association for the Lusitanian Ethnic Culture (ACEL-Trebopala), a representative organization of the Lusitanian people, the native people of Portugal, Salute the heroic Albanian people of Kosovo with our international solidarity for their independence. The conquest of the independence by the Kosovar people against the serbian imperialists, fascists and colonialists, was possible because that is the will of Kosovar people, and not by the support of the international community or from the actual European favorable status-quo. The victorious fight for independence of Kosovo is an example for all peoples in Europe and around the world which are fighting for independence, freedom and autonomy. And in speciall, is an incentive for us the native Lusitanian people of Portugal, today victim of the internal neocolonialism of the coward, corrupt and reactionary portuguese neolatin elites. We Lusitanians are fighting for autonomy, regionalization and freedom. Kosovar and Lusitanian peoples the same fight for liberty and self-determination! Long Life Kosovo!