




The ACEL “Trebopala”


The Association for the Lusitanian Ethnic Culture “Trebopala” is an organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Lusitanian culture. “Trebopala” means Protector of the Nation (or protector of the community, in old Lusitanian) in the Lusitanic language. This website will promote the history and richness of the Lusitanian Culture from all of the places of the Lusitanian homeland still populated by racially pure Lusitanian peoples, some of us still speaking the Lusitanic language, or at least, its modern form. We will present aspects of Lusitanian cultural identity, language, religion, spiritual practices, ceremonial rites, rituals, dances, art and music from a both historical and contemporary viewpoints.

In spite of the myth of “extinction” of Lusitanian language, or of the slogan “Lusitania conquered by Rome”, or still of the lies that we “are a latin country and people”, we, the racially pure descendants of the Lusitanian people (one million and half living in the central region of Beiras, more eight millions of mixed latin portuguese-speaking Lusitanians living in other regions of Portugal), have managed to survive in our homeland despite all odds. Although most of us are of mixed origins, many of us retain the knowledge of our indigenous Lusitanian identity as a community and family legacy, others are striving to reclaim it, and others are still unaware of their Lusitanian national heritage. Our heritage is more than a way of life, the practice of our traditional Cults and language, or the preservation of place names and derived vocabulary, but a distinct fight that has meaning Freedom and the survival of Lusitanian people today in the present time.

From its legendary founding by Lysus in 900 to 25 BC., when it ceased to be a free society and an independent country occupied by a foreigner and a malignant power, the roman imperialism. We had our own State, Government, Society, Religion, History, Monuments, Culture, Arts, crafts, dances, ethnicity, language, towns, coins, roads, countries, armies, battles, victories, defeats, conquests, Liberty and future. Lusitania set the standard of individual and collective Liberties as an example for all peoples in a free and tolerant world. And today, we still see the need for that divine mission to be kept alive. We work to preserve the past and present of the Lusitanians´ History, Culture, Religion and Language. A people without memory is a people without future.

Founded 2,900 years after Lysus mystic foundation of the first united state of Lusitania itself, ALEC “Trebopala” seeks to bring back those golden times, where our ancestors imposed their will through the freedom, the religion, the language, the Arts and the sword, we intend the same result through the spread of knowledge and through our own virtuous example. We are the most representative cultural organization of the about One and a half million (1,500,000) ethnical pure Lusitanian people, although in the rest of the country live 8 millions mixed Lusitanian and other native peoples.

An integral part of the activities of ALEC “Trebopala” is the Ancient Native Lusitanian Religion – Revvane (or The Eternal Faith), the main ancient Tradition of the peoples of Lusitania (both the household traditional religion and the so-called state religion) and the revived Lusitanic or Lusitanian language. Our long-term goal is to fight for the official recognition of the Lusitanian language and religion, and in a short-time we are promoving the restoration in whole country of schools teaching the ancient Lusitanian language, the Lusitanic to our beloved children.

Also important for ALEC “Trebopala” is the general Lusitanian cultural renaissance itself, a general revival of all other aspects of Lusitanian Culture, from crafts to cookery, sports, literature, poetry, philosophy and the arts. A core aspect of the Lusitanian culture which ALEC “Trebopala” endeavours to revive is what are known as the Lusitanian way of life. That way are what gave an ancient, small, noble and free people on the western Iberia, the moral and practical strength to live better in our society today. By promoting the Lusitanian culture, we are in effect promoting nothing less than the revitalization of ancient cultures in our country. By practicing Lusitanian crafts and arts, we more fully understand our own respect for our past and Iberian roots and our love for the mankind. ALEC “Trebopala” is sharing and constructing the future to our people. The Lusitanic language uses the latin scripture, the Iberian alphabet is use on religious matters only. The year 2006 of the Christian Era corresponds to the 2906 year of the Lusitanian Era or of Lysus. The National Day of Lusitania is the 25th September.

ALEC “Trebopala” is more than a historical recreation association, although we are that. We are more than a native pagan organization, although we are that, too. We are more than a classical studies group, but that falls within our purview as well. We are not a hobby as some portuguese are saying. We are nothing less than a sovereign nation; an attempt to re-create the best of classical native Lusitania with a few compromises to modern times, and we invite you to join us by applying for Lusitanian citizenship today.

Today, to be a Lusitanian is more than a state of mind. Is to believe, in a dream of Liberty. It is tie largest association of Lusitanian culture and religion in Lusitania.
ACEL "Trebopala" was founded in 2004 in the ancient Lusitanian capital Oxthrakai (or Vila Velha de Ródão in portuguese). The association´s headquarters is today in the town of Leukastru (Castelo Branco in portuguese, in the heart of our homeland, inner Beira).
The quarter magazine “Flabure ke Trebo Leukuir” (The Flag of the Lusitanian Nation) is published in modern Lusitanian.
The association consists of branches, societies and circles whose activities are based on the statute of the Association for the Lusitanian Ethnic Culture adopted at the society´s congress.

The national ethnic rebirth that started in Lusitânia in the late 1900´s and beginning of 2000's was especially distinctive in Lusitania. It was initiated and led in this area by nationalists, intellectuals, artists, scholars and cultural workers who lived or had been born in Lusitania and never broke off their ties with the country.